Twenty monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to Chinese wheat mosaic virus (CWMV) we
re produced by immunizing BALB/c mice with purified CWMV. These MAbs and po
lyclonal antisera against CWMV and soil-borne wheat mosaic virus Oklahoma i
solate (SBWMV-Ok1) were used to differentiate the wheat and oat furoviruses
, CWMV, SBWMV, oat golden stripe virus (OGSV) and European wheat mosaic vir
us (EWMV), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and Western blotting showed t
hat the dominant epitope(s) of CWMV was shared partially with OGSV whereas
those of SBWMV were shared with CWMV, OGSV and EWMV in varying degrees. Whe
n CWMV virions were briefly digested with trypsin, coat protein fragments o
f about 12, 10 and 8 kDa were produced and these reacted with the polyclona
l antisera and some MAbs, indicating that they contained dominant epitopes
of CWM V and SBWMV. Computer analysis of the coat protein sequences suggest
ed that the epitope shared between CWMV and OGSV was located at amino acids
35-40, whereas the dominant epitopes of SBWMV, which were shared with CWMV
, EWMV and OGSV, were in the C terminal half of the coat protein.