A total of 48 species in 20 families of polychaetes have been used as
test organisms in assessing the effects of toxicants in the marine env
ironment. Members of families Capitellidae, Dinophilidae, Dorvilleidae
and Nereidae are the most commonly used species. Tests conducted incl
ude 1) acute, in which survival is the criterion; 2) chronic, in which
some biological measure, such as growth, is used; and 3) life-cycle t
ests in which reproduction and the number of offspring produced are th
e criteria. Toxicants studied include metals, petroleum hydrocarbons,
detergents, pesticides, contaminated sediments and radiation. Laborato
ry cultures have facilitated the testing procedures, especially for th
e chronic and life-cycle test. The published literature on the effects
of toxicants on polychaetes is reviewed by contaminant, and then summ
arized in tabular forms.