The first balanced and restored cross section through the foreland thr
ust and fold belt of the southern Urals along the Belaya River of Bash
kortostan is presented. This cross section is used to discuss the Pale
ozoic structure and kinematic evolution of the area and to provide qua
ntitative estimates of fault displacement and shortening. The Belaya R
iver thrust stack can be divided into a late imbricate thrust system (
Nygush thrust system), the Burzyan thrust sheet, and an early duplex s
ystem (Timirovo thrust system). Overprinting relationships indicate tw
o deformation events during which the foreland thrust and fold belt ev
olved by a forward propagating thrust sequence. The first deformation
event involved emplacement of the low metamorphic grade Timirovo thrus
t system and the overlying Zilair Nappe during accretion of the Magnit
ogorsk volcanic are with the East European Craton at the end of the De
vonian. A deformational hiatus followed until the end of the Carbonife
rous, at which time a second deformation event related to final closur
e of the Uralian ocean resulted in development of the Nygush thrust sy
stem. The calculated shortening in the Belaya River area (16.7 km or 1
7%) is significantly less than that in other foreland thrust and fold
belts. The basal thrust in the Belaya River section is located within
the basement and cuts continuously up section with a staircase-like ge
ometry, instead of following an easy glide horizon.