For most animals their foraging environment consists of a patch network. In
random environments there are no spatial autocorrelation at all, while in
fine-grained systems positive autocorrelations flip to negative ones and ba
ck again against distance. With increasing grain size the turnover rate of
spatial autocorrelation slows down. Using a cellular automaton with forager
s having limited information about their feeding environment we examined ho
w well consumer numbers matched resource availability, also known as the id
eal free distribution. The match is the better the smaller the size of the
environmental grain. This is somewhat contrary to the observation that in l
arge-grained environments the spatial autocorrelation is high and positive
over long distances. In such an environment foragers, by knowing a limited
surrounding, should in fact know a much larger area because of the spatiall
y autocorrelated resource pattern. Yet, when foragers have limited knowledg
e, we observed that the degree of undermatching (i.e., more individuals in
less productive patches than expected) increases with increasing grain size