In a medium that contains a neutrino background in addition to matter parti
cles, the neutrinos contribute to the photon self-energy as a result of the
effective electromagnetic vertex that they acquire in the presence of matt
er. We calculate the contribution to the photon self-energy in a dense plas
ma, due to the presence of a gas of charged particles, or neutrinos, which
moves as a whole relative to the plasma. General formulas for the transvers
e and longitudinal components of the photon polarization tensor are obtaine
d in terms of the momentum distribution functions of the particles in the m
edium, and explicit results are given for various limiting cases of practic
al interest. The formulas are used to study the electromagnetic properties
of a plasma that contains a beam of neutrinos. The transverse and longitudi
nal photon dispersion relations are studied in some detail. Our results do
not support the idea that neutrino streaming instabilities can develop in s
uch a system. We also indicate how the phenomenon of optical activity of th
e neutrino gas is modified due to the velocity of the neutrino background r
elative to the plasma. The general approach and results can be adapted to s
imilar problems involving relativistic plasmas and high-temperature gauge t
heories in other environments.