A model is presented for treatment planning of multiprobe cryosurgery. In t
his model a thermal simulation algorithm is used to generate temperature di
stribution from cryoprobes, visualize isotherms in the anatomical region of
interest (ROI) and provide tools to assist estimation of the amount of fre
ezing damage to the target and surrounding normal structures. Calculations
may be performed for any given freezing time for the selected set of operat
ion parameters. The thermal simulation is based on solving the transient he
at conduction equation using finite element methods for a multiprobe geomet
ry. As an example, a semi-empirical optimization of 2D placement of six cry
oprobes and their thermal protocol for the first freeze cycle is presented.
The effectiveness of the optimized treatment protocol was estimated by gen
erating temperature-volume histograms and calculating the objective functio
n for the anatomy of interest. Two phantom experiments were performed to ve
rify isotherm locations predicted by calculations. A comparison of the pred
icted 0 degrees C isotherm with the actual iceball boundary imaged by x-ray
CT demonstrated a spatial agreement within +/-2 mm.