The rare-earth and actinide based compounds are endowed with several exotic
physical and chemical properties due to the presence of f-electrons. These
properties exhibit interesting changes under the action of various thermod
ynamic fields and hence continues to be a subject of extensive research. Fo
r instance, under pressure, the nature of f-electrons can be changed from l
ocalized to itinerant, leading to a variety of changes in their structural,
physical and chemical properties. The present review on the high pressure
phase transition behaviour of dialuminides of rare earths and actinides is
an outcome of research in our laboratory during the last five years using a
unique combination of a Guinier diffractometer and a diamond anvil cell bu
ilt in-house. To bring out the correlations between the compressibility and
structural behaviour with the electronic structure, we have also carried o
ut electronic structure calculation. Further, the usefulness of Villars' th
ree parameter structure maps in predicting pressure induced structural tran
sitions has been explored and this has been illustrated with the available
phase transition data.