Based on the Guliya ice core records, the precipitation in the past 400 yea
rs was retrieved. Its relations with other regions were also analyzed. The
results demonstrated that there were two high-precipitation periods and two
low-precipitation periods in Guliya ice core since 1571 AD. The average pr
ecipitation in the two high-precipitation periods was 42 mm (21%) higher th
an that in the two low-precipitation periods. The precipitation recorded in
the Guliya ice core was consistent with that in Dunde ice core. The variat
ion trends of precipitation in the Guliya ice core and the northern hemisph
ere are similar. During the extremely wet rears in the northern hemisphere,
the precipitation recorded in the Guliya ice core was two times the long-t
erm average. However, the annual precipitation was 38% less than that of th
e long-term average in extremely dry years.