A variable temperature Pb-207 solid-state NMR study of lead titanate was co
nducted between -150 and 60 degrees C. The isotropic lead chemical shift is
only weakly dependent on temperature, probably because of changes in: the
average Pb-O distance, which is known to be correlated with the chemical sh
ift. In contrast, the chemical shielding anisotropy increases markedly with
lower temperature, and an excellent correlation is observed between the ma
gnitude of the shielding,anisotropy and the square of the tetragonal distor
tion parameter c/a - 1. The chemical shift powder pattern remains axially s
ymmetric over the entire temperature range, ruling out any substantial lowe
ring of symmetry; it is unlikely, however, that the very small orthorhombic
distortions detected in recent powder X-ray work can be observed by NMR. (
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