Background and Purpose-Injury-induced cortical reorganization is a widely r
ecognized phenomenon. in contrast, there is almost no information on treatm
ent-induced plastic changes in the human brain, The aim of the present stud
y was to evaluate reorganization in the motor cortex of stroke patients tha
t was induced with an efficacious rehabilitation treatment.
Methods-We used focal transcranial magnetic stimulation to map the cortical
motor output ores of a hand muscle on both sides in 13 stroke patients in
the chronic stage of their illness before and after a 12-day-period of cons
traint-induced movement therapy.
Results-Before treatment, the cortical representation area of the affected
hand muscle was significantly smaller than the contralateral side. After tr
eatment, the muscle output area size in the affected hemisphere was signifi
cantly enlarged, corresponding to a greatly improved motor performance of t
he paretic limb, Shifts of the center of the output map in the affected hem
isphere suggested the recruitment of adjacent brain areas. In follow-up exa
minations up to 6 months after treatment, motor performance remained at a h
igh level, whereas the cortical area sizes in the 2 hemispheres became almo
st identical, representing a return of the balance of excitability between
the 2 hemispheres toward a normal condition.
Conclusions-This is the first demonstration in humans of a long-term altera
tion in brain function associated with a therapy-induced improvement in the
rehabilitation of movement after neurological injury.