Based on an examination of the relevant literature, this article presents a
survey of psychosocial models used in the psychogeriatric field. Models wi
th a multidimensional approach to behavior problems in dementia and a focus
on the individual were selected. The utility of these psychosocial models
as a theoretical framework for emotion-oriented care for people with dement
ia, especially Alzheimer disease, is examined. In addition to describing th
e models, this article also reports on the target group for which these mod
els were developed, the degree to which they have been operationalized for
psychogeriatrics, and the degree to which they have been subjected to empir
ical testing. This study shows that all psychosocial models described may b
e called emotion-oriented, although they also contain, in varying degrees,
elements from the consequences model. It was found that the models are used
not only as a theoretical framework for research, but also in the provisio
n of care. Despite the fact that most models have been used in the psychoge
riatric field, therefore proving their practicability for psychogeriatric p
ractice. only one of the models described has been tested empirically so fa
r. The theoretical validity of the models in question is, therefore. not ye
t clear.