Objective: The authors' goal was to assess the efficacy of sertraline in th
e treatment of binge eating disorder.
Method: Thirty-four outpatients with DSM-IV binge eating disorder were rand
omly assigned to receive either sertraline (N=18) or placebo (N=16) in a 6-
week, double-blind, flexible-dose (50-200 mg) study. Except for response le
vel, outcome measures were analyzed by random regression methods, with trea
tment-by-time interaction as the effect measure.
Results: Compared with placebo, sertraline was associated with a significan
tly greater rate or reduction in the frequency of binges, clinical global s
everity, and body mass index as well as a significantly greater rate of inc
rease in clinical global improvement. Patients receiving sertraline who com
pleted the study demonstrated a higher level of response, although the effe
ct was not significant.
Conclusions: In a 6-week trial, sertraline was effective and well tolerated
in the treatment of binge eating disorder.