Hypothesis: Survival of patients with adenocarcinoma of the duodenum depend
s on the ability to perform a complete resection and the tumor stage.
Design: Retrospective case series.
Setting: Tertiary care referral center.
Patients: A cohort of 101 consecutive patients (mean age, 62 years), underg
oing surgery for duodenal adenocarcinoma from January 1, 1976, through Dece
mber 31, 1996. Patients with ampullary carcinoma were specifically excluded
. Mean duration of follow-up was 4 years.
Interventions: Surgery was curative in 68 patients (67%) and palliative in
33 patients (33%). Of the curative group, 50 patients (74%) underwent radic
al surgery, ie, 30 (60%), pancreaticoduodenectomy; 15 (30%), pylorus-preser
ving pancreaticoduodenectomy; and 5 (10%), total pancreatectomy. A more lim
ited resection procedure was used in 18 patients (26%) involving a segmenta
l duodenal resection in 15 (83%) and a transduodenal excision in 3 (17%).
Main Outcomes cmd Measures: Tumor recurrence, patient survival, and correla
tion with patient and tumor variables using univariate and multivariate ana
Results: Actuarial 5-year survival for the curative group was 54%. Only 1 p
atient in the unresected group survived beyond 3 years. Nodal metastasis (P
= .002), advanced tumor stage (P<.001), positive resection margin (P = .02
), and weight loss (P<.001) had a significant negative impact on survival i
n multivariate analysis. Tumor grade, size, and location within the duodenu
m had no impact on survival. Patient age and tumor depth of invasion influe
nced survival in univariate analysis, but lost their prognostic significanc
e in multivariate analysis.
Conclusions: Metastasis to lymph nodes, advanced tumor stage, and positive
resection margins are associated with decreased survival in patients with d
uodenal adenocarcinoma. An aggressive surgical approach that achieves compl
ete tumor resection with negative margins should be pursued. Pancreaticoduo
denectomy is usually required for cancers of the first and second portion o
f the duodenum. Segmental resection may be appropriate for selected patient
s, especially for tumors of the distal duodenum.