Objective: A quantitative analysis of scalp electric fields in patients suf
fering from pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy was performed in order
to study the development of rhythmic ictal activities over time.
Methods: A method that calculates phase-corrected voltage maps in the frequ
ency domain (FFT-approximation) was applied to ictal multichannel recording
s in 10 epileptic patients. The onset of the ictally dominant frequency was
determined and its temporal evolution over a time period of 46 s around th
e ictal EEG onset was studied. The analysis was completed by a linear inver
se solution that estimated the sources of the dominant frequency.
Results: This method permitted the identification of an ictally dominant fr
equency which started on the average prior to the onset of initial EEG sign
s as determined by visual inspection. The frequency incremented during the
evolution of the seizure in all patients. The linear inverse solution algor
ithm localized the source of this frequency to the brain region which was c
linically determined as the site of seizure onset and whose resection rende
red all patients seizure-free.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that the constant increase of the ictally dom
inant frequency is related to the amount of temporal lobe tissue generating
the ictal discharges. Frequential analysis of ictal electric fields can be
reliably used to detect focal pathological activity early during seizure o
nset arising in deep structures such as the mesial temporal lobe. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.