Let V --> H --> V' be three separable Hilbert spaces. In this Note, we stud
y the order of convergence of a,numerical approximation of the problem:
(u)over dot Bu + Au There Exists f(., u),
u(0) = u(0),
where B is a Lipschitz continuous and V-elliptic operator from V to V' and
A is a maximal monotone graph in V x V'. If f is Lipschitz continuos from [
0, T] x H in V' with respect to its second argumeilt and if the section A(0
) of A is bounded, then the numerical scheme
Up+1-U-p/h + B(Up+1) + A(Up+1) There Exists f(ph,U-p),
is of order 1/2. Under particular assumptions, it is of order one. (C) 2000
Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.