To schedule n jobs on m parallel machines with the minimum total cost is th
e parallel machine scheduling (PMS) problem. Generally, there is a hypothes
is: a job cannot be processed on two machines simultaneously if preemption
is allowed. When the processing requirement of a job is considered as the d
emand of a product, jobs can be split arbitrarily to continuous sublets and
processed independently on m machines. So, we can discuss PMS under a hypo
thesis: any part of a job can be processed on two different machines at the
same time, and we call it PMS with splitting jobs. In this paper, we first
present some simple cases which are polynomial solvable. Furthermore, a he
uristic ML and its worst-case analysis are shown for P/split/C-max with ind
ependent job setup times. The worst-case performance ratio of ML is within
7/4 - 1/m (m greater than or equal to 2). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. Al
l rights reserved.