Plant resources, predators, and abiotic conditions represent three major fa
ctors that potentially influence insect herbivore abundance in terrestrial
ecosystems. In nitrogen (N)-limited environments the potential for bottom-u
p (plant resource) control is strong because plant quality may limit herbiv
ore abundance. However, extremes in abiotic conditions, such as temperature
and moisture, can mask such effects. I tested these hypotheses in an 8-yr
field experiment that measured responses of plants and grasshoppers (Orthop
tera) to N addition and exclusion of bird predators in an N-limited old-fie
ld prairie in east-central Minnesota. Plant biomass increased by 150-400%,
and plant tissue N increased by 78% in response to N addition of 17 g.m(-2)
yr(-1). Total grasshopper density responded positively to N addition follow
ing warm years. However, multiple regressions suggested that grasshopper de
nsities were related much more strongly to thermal conditions than to soil
N. Bird exclusion yielded weak effects that varied over time and may have b
een influenced by compensatory responses of other grasshopper predators to
bird exclosures. Grasshopper feeding guilds differed in the relationship be
tween their in vivo drymatter digestibility (DMD) and plant tissue N, and t
his physiological difference explained their drastically different response
s to N addition. Plant quality (in vivo DMD) increased with plant tissue N
for mixed-feeding grasshoppers, and accordingly, their density was positive
ly correlated with soil N. Plant quality did not change with plant tissue N
for grass feeders, and their densities were negatively correlated with soi
l N. Both guilds responded positively to warmer thermal conditions, but mix
ed-feeder densities were negatively related to previous year's precipitatio
n, and grass-feeder densities were not affected by precipitation. These res
ults support the hypothesis that bottom-up influences of insect herbivores
can be important in N-limited systems but do not support the hypothesis tha
t more productive environments necessarily support greater top-down influen
ces. Thermal conditions may interact with or eliminate bottom-up effects. F
urthermore, different guilds within the herbivore trophic level may be infl
uenced differently by N addition, predators, and abiotic conditions. These
results suggest that exploring the mechanisms of interaction between abioti
c and trophic influences within components of food webs is likely to yield
many new insights into the regulation of herbivore communities.