Physical exercise can strengthen the skeleton substantially, provided that
one begins exercising at a young age. During skeletal growth, exercise augm
ents weight-bearing bone structure by enhancing periosteal apposition. The
largest gains in bone mass tend to be where hydrostatic pressures within ex
tracellular fluid compartments are greatest. This finding suggests that ext
racellular fluid pressures or fluid shear stress on bone cells pro vide a s
timulus for bone formation. The best exercises for building bone are those
involving impact loading of the skeleton. However, recent prospective studi
es have shown that even impact exercise is not very effective for building
bone in adults. In addition, impact exercise can increase the risk of osteo
arthritis in older adults. Considering the meager benefits and potential ri
sks df impact exercise, one might question whether it should be prescribed
for prevention of osteoporosis. instead low-impact exercises designed to im
prove muscle strength and balance may be preferred for prevention of fractu
res. The goal of the low-impact exercise strategy is to prevent falls rathe
r than to build bone mass. Several biochemical mediators of the mechanical
loading effects on bone have been identified. Foremost among these are pros
taglandins and nitric oxide. In addition, parathyroid and growth hormones p
rovide permissive signals for bone mechanotransduction. finally, studies of
inbred strains of mice suggest that the ability of bone to respond to mech
anical loads is under genetic control.