Associations between lipoxygenases (Lox) and 14-3-3 proteins were demonstra
ted by two different methods, First, immunoprecipitation experiments, using
isoenzyme-specific monoclonal Lox antibodies, showed that 14-3-3 proteins
coprecipitate with 13-Lox, but not with the 9-Lox from barley. Second, inte
ractions between 13-Lox and 14-3-3 were established by surface plasmon reso
nance studies, showing that 13-Lox binds with 14-3-3 proteins in a concentr
ation-dependent manner. The interactions between 14-3-3 proteins and 13-Lox
may reveal their role during plant development, (C) 2000 Federation of Eur
opean Biochemical Societies.