Complete D-loop sequences of 20 Mus from three localities in Turkey and sev
en in Iran were characterized. These countries are thought to be close to t
he place of origin of the subspecies Mus musculus domesticus. Five new M. m
. domesticus haplotypes were added to the nine already known for the region
. Four of these 14 haplotypes were very similar to the consensus D-loop seq
uence for western Europe defined by Nachman et al. (1994), which may repres
ent the ancestral condition for M. m. domesticus. A divergent mtDNA lineage
is found in various parts of Turkey and northern Iran; it has spread into
western Europe, but other European lineages were not found in either Turkey
or Iran. The other Mus D-loop sequences were of M. m. castaneus and Mus ma
cedonicus and confirmed M. macedonicus as a monotypic species with low nucl
eotide diversity. The prevalence of the standard 40-chromosome complement i
n this region is particularly interesting with regards M. m. domesticus, as
it is consistent with the in situ origin of Robertsonian karyotypic races
(2n < 40) in western Europe.