A large teleseismic data set comprising 724 broadband, three-component
P-wave seismograms has been compiled for the southern Slave craton wi
th the objective of characterizing underlying mantle stratigraphy. Coh
erent P to S wave conversions are identified by simultaneously deconvo
lving seismograms as functions of epicentral distance and along theore
tical moveout curves corresponding to possible mantle phases. Clear P(
D)s conversions are observed from the 410 and 660 km discontinuities a
t times that are only slightly faster than those predicted from the IA
SP91 model, and over 1.0 s slower than corresponding times observed at
other stations on the Canadian Shield and the south African Kaapvaal
craton. The P(D)s times show very little azimuthal variation, implying
an absence of major lateral velocity variations in the lithospheric m
antle underlying the Slave craton, and adjacent Wopmay orogen and Talt
son magmatic zone. Considered in light of other geophysical and geolog
ical evidence, these results suggest that the root underlying the Slav
e province has been modified along its margins and may remain intact o
nly toward a central core. Another important result involves the obser
vation of a P(D)s conversion from a negative velocity contrast interfa
ce at approximately 360 km depth. It and a similar phase, observed on
the Kaapvaal craton, would appear not to be directly related to tectos
pheric structure, but may originate at the top of a layer containing a
dense silicate partial melt just above the mantle transition zone.