BACKGROUND: Leptin plays an important role in the control of food intake an
d body weight homeostasis, In humans, leptin is produced by adipocytes, pla
cental cells and secretory cells of the mammary epithelium. Recently, it ha
s been reported that stomach glands produce leptin in rats.
OBJECTIVE: To test the expression of leptin protein in human stomach and lo
calize, by immunocytochemistry, the specific cell type producing leptin.
DESIGN: Endoscopic stomach biopsies of six patients were used to investigat
e leptin production in the fundic epithelium using reverse transcription po
lymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of RNA. Leptin protein was detected by imm
unoblot analysis and localized by immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural
immunocytochemistry (immunogold method).
RESULTS: Human gastric epithelium expresses leptin mRNA and leptin protein.
The cells in the lower half of the stomach glands were immunoreactive for
leptin. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry showed leptin immunoreactivity
in the pepsinogen granules of chief cells, but the granules of a specific e
ndocrine cell type in the basal portion of the glands were also positive.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that gastric leptin could function in the
short-term system to control feeding behaviour and is probably secreted in
the stomach lumen by chief cells and into the stomach circulation by a spec
ial type of endocrine cell.