Clinical experience and empirical evidence have led to the modeling of exer
cise and training as a form of stress on the immune system. Coaches, athlet
es, and medical personnel are seeking guidelines on ways to reduce the risk
of illness that compromises training or competitive performance. The immun
e system is influenced by a wide range of physical, environmental, psycholo
gical, and behavioural factors which, combined with clinical assessment, co
llectively form the basis of the following intervention strategies: 1) trai
ning: careful management of training Volume and intensity, variety to overc
ome training monotony and strain, a periodised approach to increasing loads
, and provision of adequate rest and recovery periods; 2) environmental: li
miting initial exposure when training or competing in adverse environmental
conditions (heat, humidity, altitude, air pollution) and acclimatising whe
re appropriate; 3) psychological: teaching athletes self-management and cop
ing skills and monitoring of athletes' responses to the psychological and p
sychosocial stresses of high-level training and competition; 4) behavioural
: adopting a well-balanced diet with adequate intake of macro- and micro-nu
trients, limiting transmission of contagious illnesses by reducing exposure
to common infections, airborne pathogens, and physical contact with infect
ed individuals; and 5) clinical considerations: medical screening, patholog
y testing, immunization and prophylaxis, and routine management of illness-
prone athletes. Future experimental studies are required to develop and enh
ance the effectiveness of these strategies in reducing illness in athletes.