This Atomic Spectrometry Update is a new review resulting from an amalgamat
ion of the reviews formerly appearing under the titles 'Atomic Emission Spe
ctrometry' and 'Advances in Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrometry
and Related Techniques'. An attempt has been made to address only novel an
d interesting developments so less emphasis has been placed on applications
, which are covered in greater detail in the applications reviews, and more
on technical developments. The structure of the review has been changed so
mewhat to keep pace with the evolution of the field. The three primary tech
niques of atomic absorption, emission and fluorescence spectrometry are all
dealt with under each individual heading, so that 'Sample Introduction', f
or example, deals with sample introduction methods pertaining to all three
techniques. There are now separate sections on 'Laser-based Analytical Spec
trometry' and 'Coupled Techniques for Speciation Studies' to reflect the gr
owing importance of these fields. It is hoped that these developments will
result in a more integrated overview of developments in these related techn
iques, and any comments on the merit of this approach, or suggestions for '
fine tuning' would be welcome.