Recent physical activity recommendations call for activities that are of mo
derate intensity and can be performed intermittently during the day, such a
s walking. These proclamations were based partly on the assumption that mod
erate activities are generally more enjoyable than physically demanding one
s, and they are, therefore, also more likely to be continued over the long
haul. However, little is actually known about the affective outcomes of sho
rt bouts of walking and extant findings are equivocal. Four experimental st
udies examined the affective responses associated with short (10- to 15-min
) bouts of walking using a dimensional conceptual model of affect, namely t
he circumplex. Results consistently showed that walking was associated with
shifts toward increased activation and more positive affective valence Rec
overy from walking for 10-15 min was associated with a return toward calmne
ss and relaxation. This pattern was robust across different self-report mea
sures of the circumplex affective dimensions, across ecological settings (f
ield and laboratory), across time, and across samples.