This study compares expenditures for physician services in a closed panel g
atekeeper health maintenance organization (HMO) and an open panel point of
service HMO that share the same physician network. The study uses administr
ative files of the two study HMOs for 1994-1995 to assess differences in sp
ending for primary care physicians' (PCPs') services, specialists' services
, and total physician services. When the copayments for PCP visits and PCP-
referred specialist visits were $0, total physician expenditures were 4 per
cent higher in the gatekeeper HMO than in the point of service plan (p < .0
5). When the copayments for PCP visits and PCP-referred specialist visits w
ere $10, total physician expenditures ranged from equal in both HMOs to 7 p
ercent higher in the gatekeeper HMO (p < .01), depending on the copayment f
or self-referred visits. Expenditures for specialists' services were not hi
gher in the point of service plan. The authors conclude that direct patient
access to specialists does not necessarily result in higher physician or s
pecialist expenditures in HMOs.