The concomitant intake of drugs with the potential to cause drug interactio
ns is frequent. In contrast, adverse effects due to drug interactions accou
nt for only a small fraction of all adverse effects.
A reproducible evaluation of the clinical relevance of drug interactions is
lacking. We now can accurately define the potential of a drug to cause int
eractions, primarily by comparative investigations within a drug class. Whe
ther or not the selection of the drug based on this information is useful f
or the patient is unknown.
Therefore, usually it is to be recommended to abandon therapeutically reaso
nable drug combinations with a risk for interactions only if equivalent the
rapeutic options are available. Several actual examples on interactions wit
h selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, m
ibefradil, sildenafil, protease inhibitors and with grapefruit juice are di