New architectures for higher performance data acquisition in PET are p
roposed. Improvements are demanded primarily by three areas of advanci
ng PET state of the art. First, larger detector arrays such as the Ham
mersmith ECAT(R) EXACT HR++ exceed the addressing capacity of 32 bit c
oincidence event words. Second, better scintillators (LSO) make depth-
of-interaction (DOI) and time-of-flight (TOF) operation more practical
. Third, fully optimized single photon attenuation correction requires
higher rates of data collection. New technologies which enable the pr
oposed third generation Real Time Sorter (RTS III) include: 1) 80 M by
te/sec Fibre Channel RAID disk systems, 2) PowerPC on both VMEbus and
PCI Local bus, and 3) quadruple interleaved DRAM controller designs. D
ata acquisition flexibility is enhanced through a wider 64 bit coincid
ence event word. PET methodology support includes DOI (6 bits), TOF (6
bits), multiple energy windows (6 bits), 512x512 sinogram indexes (18
bits), and 256 crystal rings (16 bits). Throughput of 10 M events/sec
is expected for list-mode data collection as well as both on-line and
replay histogramming. Fully efficient list-mode storage for each PET
application is provided by real-time bit packing of only the active ev
ent word bits. Real-time circuits provide DOI rebinning.