Because of the interest in low-cost instrumentation for imaging positr
on emitters and because of the low detection efficiency of conventiona
l 3/8'' NaI(Tl) gamma cameras for 511 keV photons, basic imaging chara
cteristics have been evaluated on a SPECT system with 1/2'' NaI(Tl) de
tectors. Intrinsic spatial resolution was measured at 70, 140, and 511
keV to be 6.3 mm, 4.3 mm, and 3.2 mm FWHM, respectively. Counting eff
iciency at 511 keV increased 55% over a similar 3/8'' system. Other pa
rameters relevant to collimated and coincidence imaging were evaluated
, including spatial linearity, spatial resolution vs. incidence angle,
and energy resolution. Performance was considered to be acceptable fo
r conventional applications, and significantly improved for 511 keV ap