Samples of Naarmann polyacetylene, denoted as N-(CH)(x), (unstretched) and
polyacetylene doped with Pd have been investigated, being characterized by:
(i) conductivity using the four-point method, (ii) bulk concentration of P
d using the atomic absorption method, (iii) bulk density using helium pycno
metry, (iv) surface composition by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and (v)
electron transport parameter, such as the inelastic mean free path, using
elastic peak electron spectroscopy. For evaluating the inelastic mean free
path, a Ni standard has been applied, using three spectrometers in the elec
tron energy range 200-5000 eV. The experimental values of the inelastic mea
n free path have been compared with that obtained earlier by Tanuma ct al.
for Shirakawa polyacetylene and with that resulting from the TPP-2M predict
ive equation and the G1 predictive formula of Gries. The scatter between th
e experimental and theoretical inelastic mean free path values has been dis
cussed. The experimental inelastic mean free path values depend on the dens
ity of the polymers and the surface composition, associated with the contam
ination from the reaction synthesis.