In this paper I argue that the racial ideology of the Western nations of th
e world-system has converged over the past twenty years. This new ideology
or, as many analysts call it, the "new racism," includes: (1) the notion of
cultural rather than biological difference, (2) the abstract and decontext
ualized use of the discourse of liberalism and individualism to rationalize
racial inequality, and (3) a celebration of nationalism that at times acqu
ires an ethnonational character. I contend that this ideological convergenc
e reflects the histories of racial imperialism of all these countries, the
fact that they have all developed real-although different-racial structures
that award systemic rewards to their "White'' citizens, and the significan
t presence of the "Other" (Black, Arab, Turk, aboriginal people, etc.) in t
heir midst. I use the cases of Germany, France, the Netherlands, and New Ze
aland to illustrate my point.