The cardiovascular system is one of the primary vital functions which have
to be examined during safety pharmacology studies. Cardiovascular system fu
nctioning is maintained by cardiac electrical activity and by pump-muscle f
unction which contribute to haemodynamic efficacy. The aim of cardiovascula
r safely pharmacology is to evaluate the effects of test substances on the
most pertinent components of this system, in order to detect potentially un
desirable effects, before engaging in clinical trials. In the basic program
me, a detailed haemodynamic evaluation is carried out in the anaesthetized
dog. It is completed by cardiac and/or cellular electrophysiology investiga
tions in order to assess the arrhythmogenic risk. The basic programme can b
e preceded by rapid and simple testing procedures, during the early drug di
scovery stage. It should be completed, if necessary, by specific supplement
ary studies, depending on the data obtained during the early clinical trial
s. The following article describes and presents an analytic strategy aimed
at problems of cardiovascular risk.