The effects of the parenteral administration of haemopoietic iron preparati
ons, at different concentrations, in newborn evaluations were examined in a
field study involving forty-nine healthy calves from 5 herds. The control
group comprised 10 calves. Five animals received a single injection of 250
mg Fr-III hydrochloride dextran solution within the first 24 hours of life,
and six animals received 500 mg, 6 animals 750 mg, 11 animals 1000 mg and
II animals received 1500 mg of the solution. Blood samples were collected b
efore any intake of colostrum, 24 hours after birth and at 2, 3, 4 and 6 we
eks after birth for the estimation of peripheral iron concentrations (ICPE-
analysis) and haemoglobin estimation (Cyanagen-haemoglobin). The general he
alth status of the calves was recorded at each sampling and rite weight was
measured after birth and at the end of the study. The results indicated th
at the administration of 1000 mg and 1500 mg Fe-dextran provided a lasting
peripheral iron concentration and an increase in haemoglobin concentrations
. These effects were observed during the 6 weeks of the study, but the cont
rol group exhibited a significant decrease in peripheral iron and haemoglob
in concentrations. The general health status was marginally better in the t
reated group, but there was no difference in the bodyweights between the tr
eated and control groups.