The fixation of hamstring grafts in ACL reconstruction requires a connector
device. During the process of ingrowing the graft stability depends entire
ly on the fixation. The following study focused on the mechanical condition
s of no 6 Ethibond, 5 mm Mersilene tape and 5 mm Polylene tape. The materia
l were tested as loops with a length of 30 mm including the knot similar to
intraoperative conditions. The ultimate tension load and elongation of the
conditioned and unconditioned loops were investigated under cyclic load of
50 N and 100 N using a tension load machine. The ultimate tension load inc
reased significantly on ly for Mersilene from 416 N to 462 N. However, the
highest ultimate tension load showed Polylene with 479 N. The oscillating l
oad up to 100 N revealed for unconditioned loops an elongation of 4.1 mm fo
r Ethibond, 2.9 mm for Polylene and 5.4 mm for Mersilene. The elongation de
creased significantly for the conditioned loops to a maximum of 1.4 mm. Con
cerning the amplitude during the period of oscillating load there was found
a significant reduction as well. Based on our results Polylene showed the
best mechanical properties. Regardless the intraoperatively used material w
e advocate the conditioning of the loops before anchoring the hamstring gra
ft in ACL reconstruction.