Various ways of vocal sound production are being actively studied. We are c
onstructing a phonetic machine with a vocal chord and a vocal tract based o
n mechatronics technology. Mechanical construction of a human vocal system
is considered to generate natural voice so that it can be advantageously ap
plied to singing voice production. In voice generation, analysis and mechan
ical realization of the behaviors of the vocal chords and vocal tract are r
equired. Furthermore. the fluid mechanical system is less stable, thus maki
ng control more difficult. Several motors are employed to manipulate the me
chanical vocal system. Mappings between motor positions and the produced vo
cal sounds are automatically established in the learning phase. In the sing
ing performance, the system is able to sing while vocal pitches and phoneme
s are adaptively controlled by an auditory feedback process. This paper pre
sents the latest mechanisms of our mechanical vocal system together with ad
aptive tuning algorithms of the physical mechanism with an auditory system.