Background. The term vulvodynia describes a multifactorial syndrome of chro
nic vulvar discomfort with burning, itching, pain, and dyspareunia. Due to
the paucity of clinical signs, this syndrome is often perceived as a predom
inantly psychiatric problem. A context of symptomatic dermographism has bee
n reported in rare instances.
Patients and methods. In our interdisciplinary consultation of vulvar derma
tology, we routinely look for the presence of facticious urticaria. In the
last 17 months, we observed 14 patients with an association of facticious u
rticaria and vulvodynia.
Results. The principal symptoms were itching and burning. Sexual intercours
e, tight clothes, and stress were most often cited as aggravating factors.
The efficacy of a systemic antihistaminic treatment observed in our patient
s suggests that certain cases of vulvodynia might be an expression of sympt
omatic dermographism.
Discussion. Therefore, a check-up for chronic vulvar discomfort should comp
rise a test for the presence of facticious whealing. The prevalence of a ca
usal relationship between chronic Vulvar discomfort and facticious whealing
remains to be established.