Background. Orf is a disease of sheep due to a parapoxvirus. Transmission i
n man is possible, and is generally benign, self-limited condition. Althoug
h, rare complications have been mentioned. We report a case of Orf with ery
thema multiforme in a young girl.
Case report. A 13-year-old girl presented to our department with an erythem
a multiform. The cutaneous examination revealed painless erythematous nodul
e of her right index finger developed 15 days after a contact with a lamb.
The diagnosis of Orf complicated by erythema multiforme was made on the bas
is of her typical history. Lesions heal with symptomatic therapy in 15 days
Discussion. Orf presents in sheeps as a pustular dermatitis or a vesicular
oral mucosal lesions, and in man as a single lesion on the site of infectio
n. This lesion generally heals without complications, although secondary in
fection is not uncommon. Twenty one cases of erythema multiforme have been
recorded following infection with the Orf virus. In typical cases, the diag
nosis is established by a history of contact with infected animals and the
appearance of the lesion. Electron microscopic examination can be helpful s
ometimes. Lesions regress in 4 to 5 weeks without specific treatment.