We report the case of a 77-year-old woman in whom choroidal metastasis was
the initial manifestation of a primary neoplasm presumed to be a pigmented
pulmonary carcinoid tumor. The tumor initially was misdiagnosed cytological
ly and pathologically as a choroidal melanoma because it contained intrinsi
c melanin pigment. Positive immunoreactivity for cytokeratin, synaptophysin
, chromogranin, and calcitonin and the presence of dense-core neurosecretor
y vesicles disclosed by electron microscopy established that the metastasis
was a neuroendocrine tumor. Findings from systemic evaluation suggested th
at the primary tumor was located in the lung. The patient subsequently deve
loped an intradural paraspinal metastasis, which also contained melanin pig
ment. The latter observation confirmed that the melanin in the uveal metast
asis was intrinsic and did not represent secondary phagocytosis by tumor ce
lls. Metastases from pigmented tumors of nonmelanocytic derivation are exce
edingly rare but present a major diagnostic challenge to ocular pathologist
s and cytopathologists if the diagnosis is not suspected. Confirmatory immu
nohistochemical analysis should be obtained when a pigmented choroidal tumo
r thought to be a melanoma has atypical features.