Carbimazole-dependent antibodies to erythrocytes were detected in the sera
of three anaemic patients who had been treated with carbimazole for hyperth
yroidism. By the use of Rh-null-typed erythrocytes, we could show that some
of these were directed against the proteins of the Rh complex. Carbimazole
-dependent antibodies eluted from erythrocytes showed no binding to other b
lood cells. One patient also presented with neutropenia and mild thrombocyt
openia. Additional carbimazole-dependent antibodies against the neutrophil-
specific Fc gamma receptor IIIb (Fc gamma RIIIb, CD16b) and the broadly exp
ressed platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1; CD31) were d
etected in this patient's serum. Surprisingly, the PECAM-1-reactive drug-de
pendent antibodies were also detectable in the sera of the other two patien
ts with normal leucocyte and platelet counts. We assume that carbimazole ca
n induce cell lineage-specific drug-dependent antibodies that cause cytopen
ia and also drug-dependent antibodies against the broadly expressed PECAM-1
molecule that may cause mild but not severe cytopenia.