Aim-To treat orbital lymphangioma with an intralesional injection of OK-432
(group A Streptococcus pyogenes of human origin).
Method-A 14 year old boy had a right orbital cystic lymphangioma. The visua
l acuity in the eye was 20/28. In an initial treatment, 0.02 mg of OK-432,
was injected into the tumour after aspiration of the fluid contents, but no
effect was seen. The second treatment was performed with 0.04 mg of OK-432
Result-4 months later, the lesion had totally shrunk to fibrous tissue. The
side effects were fever, a local inflammatory reaction lasting 3 days, and
increased intraocular pressure, which was managed by draining the fluid co
ntents. Visual acuity improved to 20/15, and the visual field defect and re
striction of eye movement seen before treatment disappeared. No recurrence
was noted 1 year after treatment.
Conclusion-An intralesional injection of OK-432 shrunk the lymphangioma wit
hout functional disturbance and scar in the facial skin. OK-432 may be usef
ul for orbital lymphangioma, but further studies are still warranted to det
ermine efficacy, complications, and the optimal dose for safe treatment.