This paper describes the linkage of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic circul
ation model with descriptive and experimental biological data concerning oy
ster (Crassostrea virginica) population dynamics in the Apalachicola Estuar
y (Florida, U.S.A.). Our intent was to determine the direct and indirect ro
le of Apalachicola River flow in the maintenance of oyster production. Resu
lts of a monthly field sampling programme conducted on the oyster reefs in
the Apalachicola system during 1985-1986 were used to develop statistical m
odels relating several life-history characteristics of oysters to physical-
chemical aspects of water quality. The same life-history characteristics we
re related statistically to output from a circulation model of Apalachicola
Bay. Highest oyster densities and overall bar growth were found in the vic
inity of the confluence of high salinity water moving westwards from St Geo
rge Sound and river-dominated (low salinity) water moving south and eastwar
ds from East Bay. With the exception of models for oyster mortality, the pr
edictive capability of results from the parallel modelling efforts was low.
A time-averaged model was developed for oyster mortality during the summer
of 1985 by running a regression analysis with averaged predictors derived
from the hydrodynamic model and observed (experimental) mortality rates thr
oughout the estuary. A geographic information system was then used to depic
t the results spatially and to compare the extent of expected mortality in
1985 and 1986. High salinity, relatively low-velocity current patterns, and
the proximity of a given oyster bar to entry points of saline Gulf water i
nto the bay were important factors that contribute to increased oyster mort
ality. Mortality was a major determinant of oyster production in the Apalac
hicola Estuary with predation as a significant aspect of such mortality. By
influencing salinity levels and current patterns throughout the bay, the A
palachicola River was important in controlling such mortality. Oyster produ
ction rates in the Apalachicola system depend on a combination of variables
that are directly and indirectly associated with freshwater input as modif
ied by wind, tidal factors, and the physiography of the bay. River flow red
uction, whether through naturally occurring droughts, through increased ups
tream anthropogenous (consumptive) water use, or a combination of the two,
could have serious adverse consequences for oyster populations. By coupling
hydrodynamic modelling with descriptive and experimental biological data,
we were able to determine the effects of potential freshwater diversions on
oyster production in Apalachicola Bay. (C) 2000 Academic Press.