Rasmussen's syndrome is characterized by intractable seizures and progressi
ve neuropsychiatric deterioration secondary to unilateral cortical inflamma
tion and tissue destruction. Diagnosis of Rasmussen's syndrome in the early
phase depends mainly on the clinical features. Neuroimaging and histopatho
logic examinations may not be specific during this period. We report a case
of Rasmussen's syndrome followed by serial MRI and magnetic resonance spec
troscopy (MRS) studies over a 3- to 16-month period. A healthy 6-year-old b
oy presented with focal motor seizures. An MRI study demonstrated prominent
enlargement and T2 hyperintensity of the left mesial temporal lobe and per
isylvian region. This early finding evolved to volume loss and later progre
ssive atrophy of the ipsilateral hemisphere when epilepsia partialis contin
ua occurred. Being aware of those early MRI features in a patient with incr
easing frequency of focal motor seizures should suggest Rasmussen's syndrom
e. In addition, we found prominently increased myoinositol concentration in
atrophic cortex which might reflect increased gliosis in the late period o
f the disease.