M. Itoh et al., Genomic P elements and P-M characteristics of eastern Australian populations of Drosophila melanogaster, GENETICA, 106(3), 1999, pp. 231-245
As part of our effort to monitor changes in the clinal pattern of P element
-associated traits in eastern Australian Drosophilamelanogaster, we investi
gated the genomic P elements of 293 isofemale lines collected in the period
1991-1994 from 45 localities. P elements were present in many copies in al
l genomes examined, with full-size P and KP element size classes accounting
for the large majority. SR elements were not present in at least 92% of th
e lines tested. South of about 26 degrees south Latitude (degrees SLat), th
e ratio of KP to full-size P elements (KP/P ratio) increased, correlating w
eakly with the P-M phenotypes of the populations, from moderately P populat
ions (26-29 degrees SLat) to M populations (37-38 degrees SLat) North of 26
degrees SLat, in weak P populations, the KP/P ratio was higher than betwee
n 26 and 29 degrees Slat. The KP/P ratio appears to be higher in the northe
rn populations than it was when previous studies were done. Overall, a high
KP/P ratio among lines correlated roughly with a lack of P activity, but i
t also correlated with reduced repressor function. In a sample of 30 lines,
a maternal effect of repressor function did not show a pattern with latitu
de, nor with KP/P ratio, nor with presence or absence of P activity.