Aim The purpose of this study was to evaluate cyclic fatigue of .06 Profile
Ni-Ti rotary instruments after clinical use in molar teeth.
Methodology In group 1, instruments size 40-15 were used in a crown-down te
chnique using 2.5% NaOCl as an irrigant. Fifty-two molars were included and
13 sets of Profile Ni-Ti rotary instruments were used. Each set of instrum
ents was used in four molars. and was steam autoclaved before each use. Gro
up 2 (10 sets of new Profile Ni-TI rotary instruments) was the control grou
p, Cyclic fatigue was tested by rotating the instruments in a 90 degrees me
tallic tube until they broke.
Results One-way analysis of variance did not show any statistically signifi
cant differences amongst the files from both groups regarding cyclic fatigu
Conclusions II was concluded that sterilization and clinical use in the pre
sence of NaOCl did not lead to a decrease in the number of rotations to bre
akage of the files.