The debinding process in the case of metal injection molding for fabricatio
n of the Fe-6Ni-4Cu compact and variables such as temperature and time has
been studied. The debinding process of multiple organic binders in the Fe-6
Ni-4Cu compact was investigated by thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) weigh
t loss and mercury porosimetry analysis. The weight loss of wax and SA dram
atically increases from below 10 wt% to 76.0 wt% and 86.0 wt% after immersi
on in 35 degrees C and 40 degrees C n-hexane for 6 h, respectively. The int
erdiffusion coefficients of the binder and solvent are 9.763 x 10(-7) cm(2)
/s and 1.295 x 10(-6) cm(2)/s, respectively. The temperature dependent inte
rdiffusion coefficient fur the Fe-6Ni-4Cu compact can be expressed as D-x =
4.534 x 10 exp(-5437.2/T). The distribution or pore size is about 0.1-1.9
mu m for the Fe-6Ni-4Cu compact.