Aims-To determine whether IgG immunoblotting can improve the diagnosis of o
cular toxoplasmosis.
Methods-Samples of serum were tested from patients with ocular lesions that
could be caused by toxoplasmosis. All such samples from Scotland and North
ern Ireland are usually referred to the Scottish Toxoplasma Reference Labor
atory. From questionnaires filled out by the clinicians, two groups of sera
were identified: ocular toxoplasmosis (active and quiescent), n = 54 (grou
p 1); and eye disease as a result of other causes, n = 36 (group 2). Contro
l groups were made up of sera from patients with no eye disease and a norma
l dye test result (less than or equal to 125 IU/ml), n=16 (group 3); and to
xoplasma seronegative, cytomegalovirus (CMV) positive, and herpes simplex v
irus (HSV) positive sera (group 4), n = 18.
Results-Immunoblots with an active pattern could be identified (IgG antibod
ies against at least four antigens with molecular weight of 6, 20, 22, 23,
25, and 36 kDa). Significantly more of this pattern was found in group 1 (3
3 of 54; 61.1%) compared with group 2 (nine of 36; 25%) or group 3 (six of
16; 37.5%). Within group 1, significantly more sera with an active pattern
had dye test results greater than or equal to 65 IU/ml compared with those
without. More sera from patients < 30 years of age were found with the acti
ve pattern in group 1 compared with group 2. No group 4 sera had active imm
unoblot patterns.
Conclusions-The immunoblot result adds more support to the diagnosis of ocu
lar toxoplasmosis. In cases where the clinical diagnosis is difficult, immu
noblots are particularly indicated; if negative, other causes of eye diseas
e should be sought.