This paper analyses a possible mechanism for ion conic formation in th
e auroral zone that result from the wave-particle interactions between
ions and VLF waves excited due to an instability triggered by precipi
tating electrons in magnetospheric plasma. This so-called ''fan'' inst
ability does not require the presence of an electron beam or other typ
e of positive slope in the electron distribution function, but only an
asymmetric high-energy tail on one side of the distribution function.
Analytical solutions of the quasi-linear equations describing the ins
tability are calculated, and the wave spectra and amplitudes are shown
to be in reasonable good agreement with observations. Also, the calcu
lated energy distribution function for the accelerated ions agrees wit
h experimental data. The analytical results are supported by full nume
rical solutions of the quasilinear equations. The application of the f
an instability to the formation of ion conics is discussed.