Three-dimensional dilational and sinuous wave propagation on infinite or se
miinfinite thin planar sheets flowing into a gas of negligible density is i
nvestigated. The assumption of thin sheets allows the reduction of the prob
lem dimensionality by integration across the sheet thickness. For finite-am
plitude disturbances, the strongest nonlinear effects occur when the cross-
sectional wavenumber (l) is close to the streamwise wavenumber (k). First,
dilational wave propagation is considered. When I is close to Ii for infini
te sheets, higher harmonics are generated in the streamwise direction, and
the standing wave with finite amplitude in the cross-sectional plane become
s flat. As time passes, the waves return to the initial wave shape. This pr
ocess is repeated in a cycle. A similar phenomenon is found in semi-infinit
e sheets with low Weber number. When I is close to Ii for semi-infinite she
ets and Weber number is high, fluid accumulates into fluid lumps interspace
d by one wavelength in the cross-sectional direction as well as in the stre
amwise direction. This leads to the formation of initially non-spherical li
gaments or large droplets from the liquid sheet. Secondly, sinuous wave pro
pagation is considered. When I is close to k for semi-infinite sheets and W
eber number is high, fluid agglomerates in the edge of the sheet interspace
d by half a wavelength ill the cross-sectional direction as well as in the
streamwise direction. A three-dimensional visualization of the computationa
l results shows that the disturbance at the nozzle exit induces fluid to ag
glomerate into half-spherical lumps, which indicate the formation of ligame
nts or large droplets from the liquid sheet. A similar phenomenon is found
in the case of infinite sheets.