Because resistance to parasites usually has a cost for host species, it is
theoretically expected that, in case of multi-infection, host immune respon
ses should vary according to the levels of parasite pathogenicity. The crus
tacean gammarid Gammarus aequicauda is the second intermediate host of 4 tr
ematode species. Three of these parasites always encyst in the abdomen of g
ammarids and have no particular effect on the host. However, 1 of these spe
cies is sometimes able to encyst in the cerebroid ganglia of the gammarid a
nd strongly alter its behavior in a way that increases its predation risk b
y aquatic birds, the definitive hosts. In accordance with the hypothesis th
at the level of parasite pathogenicity influences the likehood and the degr
ee of host reaction. cases of melanization in our gammarid collection almos
t exclusively concern the cerebral metacercariae. Our results also indicate
that this melanization is able to cancel the behavioral alterations induce
d by the parasite, suggesting that the cause of the manipulation is not the
physical presence of metacercariae in the brain.