Opioid peptides long have been hypothesized to play a role in ethanol reinf
orcement. Neuropharmacological studies have shown that opioid receptor anta
gonists decrease ethanol self-administration in rodents and prevent relapse
in humans. However, the exact mechanism for such powerful effects has rema
ined elusive. The availability of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice has made
possible the direct examination of the role of the mu-opioid receptor in m
ediating ethanol self-administration. In the present experiments, both nose
poke and lever operant ethanol self-administration and several tests of two
bottle-choice ethanol drinking were studied in these genetically engineere
d mice. In no case did knockout mice show evidence of ethanol self-administ
ration, and, in fact, these mice showed evidence of an aversion to ethanol
under several experimental conditions. These data provide new evidence for
a critical role for mu-opioid receptors in ethanol self-administration asse
ssed with a variety of behavioral paradigms and new insights into the neuro
pharmacological basis for ethanol reinforcement.